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Used in 8,000,000+ standups for companies like

How it Works

Reminds team members to post their standup answers

Send team standup summary at a specific time in multiple channels and emails

Supports multiple teams, i.e. Marketing, Dev teams for your organization

Supports multiple workspaces, shared channel and shared member in Slack Connect

Customize question for each separate standup/meeting

Thread conversation to make standup summary more readable

Multiple time zones team

Sync and async team standup

GDPR compliant

Perfect Standup Every Time
Sometimes the simplest things are the easiest to neglect. Alice takes the burden of being consistent in the routine of daily standups and makes it automatic. You answer the questions and Alice keeps everyone accountable.
“If you took all of my productivity tools away, this is the first thing I would miss."
- Clark Scrum Master

Stay On Schedule
Alice checks in with every team member, every day. Every team member has a chance to participate, even if they can’t make the actual meeting.
Late for the standup? Away from your desk? Alice makes the standup conversation happen, even if you can’t be there.
This has been a game-changer for managing my remote teams.”
- Randy C Product Manager

Simple. Secure. Safe.
Alice is Simple to setup. It works right inside your existing channels in Microsoft Teams or Slack.
Your data is secure, your login is authenticated with your MS Teams, or Slack.
Your data is safe. We never sell your data. Everything you put in Alice is deleted when you uninstall.
“I love how easy it is to use. Even for teams who use different platforms. It's simple, and it just works.”
- Sumit IT Director
Security & Compliance

“Your data is YOUR data. We don’t sell it”
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